Friday, October 24, 2014

How to lose weight easy Part 1

I am no way a professional health physician, Take my advice at your own risk.

Being overweight and obese has become one of the main problems here in US. I cant blame you, We eat and breathe crap. We are constantly relying on our doctors for this magic potion to make us better. Little do you know all this medication your on is just making you even more sick. (Which ill get back to). But what is causing you to be overweight? What is causing you to become fat? Your taking X amounts of calories in a day? Are you exercising? Are you drinking and eating DIET everything because you think its BETTER for you? WRONG. Ive struggled with weight, I used to be 120 when I was 14. Im 19 and I now weigh 105. You wanna know the real reason behind your weight? Get ready, its your FOOD. No medication, exercise, diet pill, phone app, is going to help you lose weight unless you change what you are eating. If you are in your early 20s, start NOW before its too late. If you're in your 30s 40s or even 50s... You have a lot of undoing to do of all the years you mistreated your body. Join me in my 8 Part journey of how to lose weight and be healthier.

This is my before and after

Alot of people ask me how much I exercise, Besides standing on my feet all day at work, I don't exercise. I have not gone to the gym since I was 16.

About Me.

I come from a family majority of overweight and obese people. Everyone in my family has had something wrong with them at one point in their life or they are still sick now. My own mother was diagnosed with leukemia, My aunt has fibromyalgia, My cousin has autoimmune disease, and many others. When my mom was in the hospital, I have seen it all. She has had a past of smoking but she was also overweight and every night she would have a slice of cake. She did not take care of herself also she was very miserable and over stressed.

I have always been the chubby child, I had the biggest chest in middle school. Of course id eat whatever what was served at school and when id come home for dinner, we would have soda and fast food. Juice boxes, Hostess cakes, Chips, Cookies, Cereal, and everything unhealthy consumed my life. Finally up into senior year i decided to do something about it, I bought diet and weightloss everything. Weightwatchers, Slimfast, Slimquick, Kellogg's 100 calorie snacks, Diet Soda, Id exercise and exercise, only gaining muscle but not losing the fat, I even starved myself. What was i doing wrong?? For one good reason I was consuming ARTIFICIAL CRAP. This wasn't FOOD. It was still JUNK.

I read up somewhere that green tea helps with losing weight and improves your immune system. Green Tea, thats it? Alright lets try it. I drank green tea in a room temp. water bottle everyday. I was not used to the taste, but once I started making a routine I got used to it. Make sure you buy ORGANIC green tea, otherwise it was probably sprayed with pesticides and you don't want to drink that. and DO NOT I repeat, DO NOT drink LIPTON TEA. I drank it for 2 months straight and I noticed I went from 120... to 115. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, It helps boost your metabolism and burns fat off. If your having trouble transitioning start off with simple green tea, and then move on to the next step. All of this didn't happen overnight, it took about a year to get through this lifestyle. It takes babysteps, but you can do it (:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How to induce a period (or abort an unwanted pregnancy) naturally

Warning: I am not a professional medical doctor, perform at your own risk.

Once again trying natural remedies, and if they work, I will post them on here hoping it will help someone else who is going through it. Lets start off by saying, use protection! If you are sexually active and do not plan on having a baby, please use contraception, even if you are in a serious relationship. I made that mistake last week. I was due for my period October 2nd. My periods are usually irregular, but on time (never been more than a week late). On October 5th, I still have not got my period, I figured nothing would happen if me and my boyfriend had unprotectd that day since i was going to get my period soon anyway. Because ovulation only occurs 2 weeks before your period, WRONG! Everyone is different with their cycle, you cant get pregnant EVERY day of the month, but you can figure out which 6 days of the month you are if you chart CORRECTLY (Which I will make a post about later). So about 5 days after we had sex, i began to feel cramps, thinking i was going to get it. Days go on, little bit of cramps here and there, but still no period. I took 3 pregnancy tests starting the day after my period was due, they were all negative. I began to worry and my boyfriend told me that im fine and if im so worried to go see a doctor. Being stubborn, I told myself I would wait one more week and then if things don't get better I guess I would have to go, because I never had any issues with my health. I researched tons of ways to either induce a period or abort a pregnancy naturally, but this needs to be done within the first 3 WEEKS of pregnancy. If you had unprotected sex, start as quickly as possible. The most frequent results I found were, Vitamin C, Papaya, Parsley, Green tea, Ginger, and Dong Quai. 

 Vitamin C- Vitamin C contributes to the production of estrogen (which builds the uterine lining). When taken in high doses, the uterus begins to contract and menstruation starts. The best source of Vitamin C for this purpose is parsley tea or green tea.

Ginger tea- Two or more cups of strong ginger tea taken when you expect your period or after a period's due date should bring on menstruation in a few days. Be aware that ginger can cause hot flashes and restlessness in some women.

Papaya- Eat one small papaya for at least seven days; the carotene in this fruit can help to induce your period.

Dong Quai- The number one herbal remedy for this issue, Dong Quai promotes blood flow to the pelvis where it will stimulate an absent or irregular period. It nourishes the blood, increases circulation and strengthens and balances the uterus effectively inviting the return of a woman's period.

So its about 2 weeks since my missed period, I run out to the store the night of October 14th and i grab Ginger Green tea, fresh ORGANIC parsley, Vitamin C capsules, Dong Quai Capsules, And some Papaya, Pinapple, and Orange juice as a little extra.

So that night I seep the ginger green tea with some parsley in a cup of water (I drink my teas cold or room temp, i just find it more refreshing.) and i take 1 capsule of Vitamin C and take a few sips of papaya juice. The next morning I take 1 capsule of Dong Quai and I bring a water bottle of ginger green tea and tons of parsley for me to drink throughout the day. at around 10:30am i started feeling a slight cramp, then 10 minutes later it came back again, i thought for sure i got it, I went to check, nothing there. Then at approximately 12:30pm I had that urging painful cramp that wouldn't go away. I got my period. 

I think my body was just lacking a little estrogen ;) Hopefully this helps you or anyone who suffers late or absent periods. I heard these remedies also work to abort pregnancies naturally, but its not guaranteed.
